There are many ways to meet the minimum spending requirements to get the large sign-up bonuses on miles and points credit cards, such as paying your utilities, etc.
But do you know these 7 unique and unusual things you can pay with your credit card?
Because there are lots of whacky things you can pay with using your credit card, I’ve limited this list to seven items. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments.
7 Unusual ways to meet minimum spending requirements
1. Get some work done
Need a little tune-up or a complete overhaul?
You can pay for cosmetic surgery with your credit card.

Get a new you and a vacation by meeting your credit card’s minimum spending
2. Start her up
You can buy a car with a credit card.
Most car dealers will allow you to put an initial deposit of $2,000 to $5,000 on a credit card only because of fraud and credit card chargebacks.
Chargebacks are when a person claims he didn’t authorize the charge and the credit card company issues a credit or refund.
Some dealers will charge you the 3% processing fee while others will waive the fee.
But you can pay for the entire car with your credit card (if you have a large enough credit limit) in some cases.
a) Auto purchasing programs
You can pay for the entire purchase price of a new and used car when you go through the American Express Network’s Auto Purchasing Program.
b) You’re buying a used car
Depending on the cost of the used vehicle, you might be able to charge the entire amount on a credit card.
c) Luxury cars can be paid in full on credit
When you’re buying high-end luxury cars such a Bentleys, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis, you can pay with your credit card.
Some states prohibit using a credit card towards the purchase of a car, so you have to check with your state.

Meet credit card minimum spending by upgrading your ride
3. Adding to the family
Adoption expenses can be paid with credit cards.
If you’re adopting a child, it can be cheaper to put adoption fees on your credit card than taking out an adoption loan. Keep in mind that some agencies may charge a 2.5 to 3% fee when using your credit card.
You can also adopt a furry four legged child from the Humane Society and pay with your credit card.

Add a (furry) bundle of joy to your family and meet your credit card minimum spending requirement
4. Going green
Reduce your impact on the environment and lower your monthly utility bills by installing solar panels.
You can pay for the cost of the solar panels and installation on a credit card.
I added solar panels to our home recently. By charging the costs, I was able to meet the minimum spending on several new credit cards to earn the sign-up bonuses and extra miles and points.

Go green, but pay with plastic
5. Save the rainforest
Wanna be a do-gooder?
Charitable donations such as church tithes, donations to non-profit organizations, and Kiva loans can be charged to a credit card.
Samaritan’s Purse has a gift catalog where you can pay for things like baby chicks, teaching a child to read and write, and paying for a fresh water well, all with your credit card.
You can meet your credit card minimum spending and spread good around the world.

Baby chicks aren’t eggactly (pun intended) an everyday expense but it can get you a big sign-up bonus
6. Tuition
You can pay for college, private school and other tuition expenses with a credit card.

Give the gift of learning and earn miles and points
7. Striking it rich
Feeling lucky?
Some places such as gas stations will let you buy lotto tickets with a credit card.
If your credit card offers a bonus at gas stations, you’ll earn extra miles points.
You might also be able to use a credit card for online gambling.

You could win the lotto
What are your unusual ways to meet credit card minimum spending requirements?
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