For the last three years, I’ve been blogging here on Traveling Well For Less. Over the past few months, after hours of going over the pros and cons, I’ve come to the realization that it’s time for a change.
But don’t worry. We’re not leaving, just changing our Twitter handle. I’m excited to announce that as of today, we’ll be tweeting with the handle TravelWell4Less.
Why the Name Change
We’re making the change for several reasons:
1. 15 Characters or Less
Twitter only allows you to have a 15 character user name (unless it’s your actual name). As you may have noticed Traveling Well For Less is more than 15 characters (5 more to be exact). Because TravelingWell was already taken I chose TravelingWellfl.
2. Too Many Accounts
I picked TravelingWellfl because in my mind “fl” stands for “for less”. However, not everyone thinks the same way I do (Jeff tells me that a lot…).
Plus some of my friends have a hard time remembering the blog’s twitter so they just tweet to use my personal Twitter account debbieschroeder. This is all fine and dandy because (eventually) I’ll see the Tweet.
But I don’t check my personal Twitter as often as I should. And it was a stark reminder that if my friends forgot my Twitter handle, then other people would too.
3. Ran Out of Cards
I travel a lot. Like two weeks of every month a lot.
Yeah, I can hear you now saying, “What? You travel a lot? Where’s all your trip reports and hotels reviews, etc.?” Yeah, yeah, I know. I need to write more. It’s coming. You’ll be able to enjoy lots of posts on travel adventures soon.
As I was saying, I travel a lot. People often ask for your business card when traveling. Add that to the conferences I’ve been to this year and I’m out of business cards.
Making the Twitter change now means the new business cards will have the new Twitter name instead of the old name.
Other Changes
Changing our Twitter handle from TravelingWellfl to TravelWell4Less is just one of the changes we’re making. Here are the rest:
- You can now find us on the Twitter account @TravelWell4Less
- We’ve started an Instagram account
- You can pin and enjoy our pins on our Pinterest account
- We’ve added an email subscription box (at the bottom of every post). Be sure to sign-up.
No worries. Our Facebook page remains the same
There might be a few hiccups so we appreciate your patience during this change. Please let us know if links aren’t working or any other issues. Send us a tweet @TravelWell4Less or email at travelingwellforless at
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